By Brittany Hulsizer, TPG Branding Consultant
Did you know Canada devotes an entire MONTH to the promotion of healthy workplaces? Well, they do, and October just happens to be that month.
This got us to thinking…Why can’t America have an entire month devoted to healthy workplaces? We like…no, we love that idea. We also love the idea behind this month-long workplace initiative. The Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety states, “Canada’s Healthy Workplace Month®, running October 4 to 31, encourages workplaces and employees to work together to create healthier workplaces and build a culture of trust and respect in which people are happy and healthy.”
Culture of trust and respect in which people are happy and healthy. This is what it’s all about, friends. Let’s spread the work and create these cultures where we live. Workplaces in America need a makeover…it’s time!
You can read the entire article about Canada’s Healthy Workplace month here.