Do you belong to a great place to work? If not, you should begin your search today!
Although my mission is to assist organizations transform average or toxic work environments into great workplaces, in the meantime, we should also focus on helping great people in toxic organizations find great workplaces. It has been overwhelmingly proven there are substantial financial rewards for creating a great workplace. These workplaces benefit employees, families, leaders, companies and society. Plus, it is the right thing to do.
As we see the emergence of great workplace awards, we will begin to see an exodus of great employees to great workplaces. Eventually, organizations with great workplaces will be the overwhelming majority in America.
Hopefully, very soon, toxic workplaces, bad bosses, jerks, bullies, and bossholes will be a thing of the past. Remnants of the toxic workplace will be open for business only in museums as artifacts with a sign that says, “The Unenlightened American Workplace.”