Do you desire satisfaction in your work life? If yes, join the majority of Americans looking for meaning in life and work. You need your personal life and work life to be satisfying. Besides the paycheck, you are looking for the deeper meaning of a 6:00 am alarm clock.
Life and work are similar to algebra; a negative number times a positive number always equals a negative number. If your life at work is negative, your personal life will be too. We cannot separate our life brain from our work brain without eventually paying a high price at a mental health facility.
The following recommendations come from many trials, mistakes and gut wrenching learning experiences. I encourage you to read these recommendations and let them speak to you. Read the list every day for the following seven days.
10 Steps to Satisfaction in Your Work Life
#1 Your career should not be your top priority. You should have family and trusted friends to fill this position.
#2 Remain true to yourself by using your God-given skills and abilities. Positively impact the culture around you rather than losing your individual dynamics and assimilating into the background.
#3 Be kind and courteous 95% of the time. When those 5% moments happen, be forceful and direct while showing care and concern for even those who seek to harm you. Being nice to them lifts you to atmospheric levels above them while making them feel shame for their toxic behavior.
#4 Set aside at least one day each week to unplug, rest and re-energize yourself. If you really want to get crazy, turn off your smart phone, tablet and laptop, and put them in your dirty underwear drawer.
#5 Show gratitude and respect to the elders in your life and profession. You really are not that smart unless you spend time with people smarter than you.
#6 Never stab someone in the back. Later on when you are stabbed in the back, they will use a bigger knife.
#7 Be happy for the success of others. Even better, help others succeed along with you. Otherwise, it will be very lonely at the top.
#8 Develop your own innovative ideas and resist the temptation to steal intellectual property from others. Eventually, the truth will be brought to light except there might be cameras, microphones and news reporters present when you finally admit your intellectual transgression.
#9 Stand up for your friends and coworkers who are being abused by those in authority, regardless of the cost.
#10 Be content with your life and work. This is the secret to true and lasting work life satisfaction.
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