The level of control a company wields over an employee has often been a concern of mine. When an employee receives a paycheck for work performed, should they be expected to give up a certain amount of their God-given freedoms?
I have found great companies provide an abundance of freedom. On the other hand, companies that are barely surviving typically squeeze the very life out of their employees until they burn out.
Greatness boils down to a question of control. How much control should an employer exert over an employee? Leaders who can inspire and motivate rather than direct and control are better equipped to build great companies with a positive work environment, along with competition-crushing financial results.
A strong management presence stifles innovation, creativity and productivity. These companies just don’t last.
Maybe we don’t need managers. Give someone a supervisor title and they will direct, manage and control. Unfortunately, certain individuals desire, even lust, for control over others.
Replace control with freedom so you can experience innovation, creativity and productivity.